Government Offices Riverside Plaza, Port of Spain;
Maximum Security Prisons Remand Sections, Golden Grove;
Royal Bank Extension 10-storey High-rise, Port of Spain;
Holiday Inn, Wrightson Road, Port of Spain;
West Indian Tobacco Company Limited Leaf Storage Area, Champs Fleurs;
Naparima Bowl, San Fernando;
Police Administration Building, Port of Spain;
Algico Plaza, Port of Spain;
Royal Bank, Park Street, Port of Spain;
Republic Bank, Park Street, Port of Spain;
Trinidad Hilton Hotel; Deluge System for LPG Tanks & Hydrant Ring System;
Trinidad & Tobago Chamber of Industry & Commerce, Westmoorings;
Angostura Rum Bond Warehouse, Laventille;
Ministry of Works, Port of Spain;
IADB Headquarters, St. Clair;
Allied Food Caterers;
ISPAT Cooling Tower, Point Lisas
Queens Park Plaza, bpTT Building, Port of Spain;
Farmland Misschem, Point Lisas;
Cliff & Associates Steel Plant, Point Lisas;
Unit Trust Corp. Headquarters, Port of Spain;
Attorney General Building, Port of Spain;
Tobago Hilton, Lowlands;
Isthmus Court – bpTT, Galeota Point;
Barana Sea Foods, Sea Lots, Port of Spain;
National Library, Port of Spain;
Old Police Headquarters, Port of Spain;
Albion Plaza, Port of Spain;
K-Mart Super Store, Trincity;
Republic Bank – Operations Centre, Chaguanas;
Princes Court (NEMWIL & ATLANTIC LNG Headquarters), Port of Spain;
Cipriani Plaza - Port-of-Spain;
Nicholas Tower - Port-of-Spain;
West Mall East Expansion Project, Westmoorings;
West Mall, Fire Sprinkler Retrofit - Westmoorings
BHP Billiton Headquarters, Invaders Bay;
Gulf City Mall – Lowlands, Tobago
Richmond Plaza – Customs & Excise Building, Port of Spain
Richmond Plaza – Multi Storey Carpark, Port of Spain
Ministry of Public Administration, Port of Spain
Trinidad Hilton Hotel, Port-of-Spain;
Ministry of Legal Affairs, Port-of-Spain;
Board of Inland Revenue, Port-of-Spain;
Eteck Tamana Park, Flagship Building, Wallerfield;
Renaissance Towers, Shorelands;
Petrotrin Laboratory, Pointe-A-Pierre;
Chancery Lane Teaching Hospital, San Fernando;
Columbus Communications, Trincity;
Regus Limited, Invaders Bay (sprinkler retrofit);
Bhagwansinghs Head Office, Trincity;
Citi, POS, Sprinkler Upgrade;
Cabildo House, POS, Sprinkler Upgrade;
Red House Restoration Project;
Point Fortin General Hospital;
Mahogany Court, Mt. Hope (Ongoing);
MAGALA Park Street, POS (sprinkler retrofit);
Republic Bank Park St., POS (sprinkler retrofit);
Republic Bank Operations Centre, Endeavour (sprinkler retrofit);
RBC Westmoorings (sprinkler retrofit);
RBC Trincity (sprinkler retrofit);

The Bank of Nova Scotia, Independence Square;
West Mall Shopping Plaza;
Republic Bank, Park Street;
Agostini Building;
ABMA Building;
Belair Garments;
Ridgewood Towers, Diego Martin;
S.K. Watson & Company Limited;
George F. Huggins & Company Limited;
Bertrich Building;
Reed Monza Trinidad Limited;
Guardian Life Building - Queen’s Park West;
Bristol Meyers (West Indies) Limited;
Matouk Building;
National Commercial Bank, Independence Square;
K-Plaza, Kirpalani Roundabout;
Bretton Hall Extension;
Trinidad & Tobago Mortgage Finance Building;
Trinidad & Tobago Electricity Commission - Head Office;
The Towers, Westmoorings;
Navarros Brokerage;
Carlysle Tyre & Rubber;
Unit Trust Building;
Redcliffe Entertainment Ventures Ltd. – Antigua;
Coast Guard Hanger – Piarco;
Bacon, Woodrow, & De Souza – Maraval;
Min. of National Security – Temple Court – P.O.S.;
Caribbean Nitrogen Company – Ammonia Plant Control Room – Pt. Lisas;
BJ Services International S.A. – La Romain;
Hi-Lo Food Stores – West Mall;
Fitzwilliam, Stone, Furness-Smith, & Morgan – Head Office P.O.S.;
Cliffs Drilling – Office & Warehouse Expansion – La Romain;
ANSA Chemicals – Point Lisas;
Inncogen Power Plant (Admin. Bldg. & Transformers) – Point Lisas;
Melville Shipping Building, Port of Spain;
Schlumberger, San Fernando.
Cipriani Plaza - Port-of-Spain;
Hydro-Agri Warehouse - Pt. Lisas ;
Nitrogen 2000 Control Building, Pt. Lisas ;
Readymix (West Indies) Ltd., Arima;
Hi-Lo Food Stores, Glencoe;
AMCO Warehouse, Lange Park Chaguanas;
Dwight Sheffod Bldg; Chaguanas;
Nicholas Tower, Port-of-Spain;
Petrotrin Laboratory, Pointe-A-Pierre;
T& T Group of Professionals, POS;
University of Trinidad & Tobago, Pt. Lisas;
Chancery Lane Teaching Hospital, San Fernando;
Trinrico Wire & Steel Warehouse, Marabella;
ERHA Guyaguayare Health Centre, Guyaguayare;
ERHA Outreach Centre, Tabaquite;
ERHA Sankar Building, Sangre Grande;
CIC Brokerage Building, San Fernando;
CEPEP Office, St. Madeline
Rio Claro Government Primary School, Rio Claro;
Chatham Community Centre, Chatham;
Williamsville Community Centre, Williamsville;
West Hills Housing Development
Moriah Health Centre – Tobago (Ongoing)

National Lotteries Board;
Telecommunication Services of Trinidad & Tobago;
Trinidad Cement Limited;
TRINTOC Archives;
TSTT - Signal Hill Tobago;
Farmland Misschem;
British Gas (Trinidad) Limited, Computer Room
Cleveland Cliff Steel Plant (BECHTEL);
World Space Organization;
Lever Brothers (Trinidad & Tobago) Limited, Server Rooms, Mt. Hope
Infolink Services Ltd, Maraval Road, Port of Spain;
Unit Trust Corporation – Port of Spain;
Caribbean Nitrogen Company, Ammonia Plant Control Room – Pt. Lisas;
Bacon, Woodrow, & De Souza – Maraval;
bpTT, Data Center, Queens Park Amoco Plaza;
Republic Bank Operations Centre, Chaguanas;
Republic Bank Credit Card Centre Computer Room, Port-of-Spain;
Atlantic LNG Server Room - Princes Court, Port-of-Spain;
Nemwil Computer Room - Princes Court, Port-of-Spain;
Nitrogen 2000, Ammonia Plant Control Room, Pt. Lisas;
Readymix (West Indies) Ltd., Arima;
Republic Bank ITMD Dept. – Server Rooms, Port-of-Spain;
Neal & Massey Automotive – Switchgear & Transformer Rooms, Morvant;
Petrotrin – Inspection Vault, Pointe-A-Pierre
Service Commission – Server & UPS Rooms, Cipriani Plaza, Port of Spain
WITCO – L.V. Room & Vault, Champs Fleurs
Central Bank – Server Room, UTC Building, Chaguanas
Republic Bank – Server Room, Republic House, Port of Spain
NGC – New Abbyssinia Control Room, Guayaguyare
FLOW Communications, POS Hub
FLOW Communications, Sangre Grande Hub
CEPEP Office, St. Madeline
MLA Tower, POS.
Customs & Excise Building, POS.
UWI Seismic Centre, St. Augustine.
T&TEC Warehouse Distribution, Couva
Red House Restoration Project
Cabildo House, POS.
MAGALA Park Street, POS.
Pt. Fortin General Hospital
Diego Martin Health Centre
Carenage Police Station, Carenage (ongoing)
Roxborough Hospital, Roxborough (ongoing).

Taurel Building, Frederick Street, Transformer Room;
Point Fortin Police Station Transformer Room;
Universal Metal;
TRINTOC - Revamp System on Tug;
Metal Box Trinidad Limited, Can Line;
Scott Building Transformer Room;
Institute of Marine Affairs Transformer Room and Generating Room;
Trinidad Cement Limited Transformer Room;
Telecommunications Services of Trinidad & Tobago Mausica Exchange, Generator Room;
U.W.I. – Chemical Stores;
Forensic Lab, Generator Room;
Unit Trust Bldg.;
Petrotrin - Pelican Platform;
Petrotrin Laboratory, Pointe-A-Pierre;
Powergen – Penal, Lube Oil Pit;
Well Services - RIG152 Engine Room

Community Hospital S.D.A. - Supply and installation of a medical gas system for the new Intensive Care Unit. The system included a 3 H.P. Duplex Vacuum Pump.
San Fernando General Hospital New Wing - Supply and installation of entire medical gas system for Oxygen, Medical Air, Nitrous Oxide, Nitrogen and Vacuum. Included in the job we supplied and installed the following equipment:
1/ Duplex Air Compressor with refrigerated dryer.
2/ Duplex Vacuum Pumps
3/ Two Oxygen storage tubes with a throw-over Manifold.
4/ All necessary Manifolds, and area alarm
Arima Hospital - Supply and install complete medical gas system inclusive of manifolds and outlets. The system included a 3 H.P. Duplex Vacuum
Couva Hospital - (Same as Arima)
Healthnet Clinic, Herbert Street - (Same as Arima)
Port of Spain General Hospital Intensive Care Unit - Supply and install complete medical gas system inclusive of manifolds, outlets, and medical services columns. The system included a 15 H.P. Duplex Air Compressor with air treatment centre, and a 7.5 H.P.duplex vacuum pump.
San Fernando General Hospital Urology Ward - Modification to existing medical gas system.
San Fernando General Hospital Old Building - Supplied and installed Oxygen system including manifolds and outlets.
Sangre Grande Hospital - Run oxygen line to the new operating theatre.
Medcorp/St. Clair - Over a number of years we have installed and modified the medical gas system. We also supplied Oxygen storage and a vacuum pump.
Port of Spain General Hospital Maternity Ward - Supply and installation of medical gas system. The system included the supply of Oxygen storage tubes.
San Fernando Hospital New Wing Expansion - Supply and install complete medical gas system inclusive of manifolds, outlets, and service columns. We also supplied a 10HP Duplex Vacuum Pump and two Oxygen Storage Tubes. (In Progress)
New Scarborough Hospital - Supply and install outlets, and headwall units.
Arima Diagnostic, Arima
Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex, Mt. Hope
UWI – Teaching & Learning Complex, St. Augustine.
Mount Hope Womens Hospital